Sri Brahmam's Satsang Tours in Europe

Sri Brahmam has visited the Czech Republic nine times so far. In 2003 it was for three weeks in August and September, in 2004 for three weeks in July, in 2005 for ten days in August, in 2006 for two weeks in November, in 2009 for about three weeks in July, in 2010 for about one week at the end of July and beginning of August, in 2011 for two weeks at the beginning of August, in 2012 for about two weeks at the end of July and beginning of August and in 2013 for ten days at the end of July and the beginning of August.

Germany - Pfaffendorf near Regensburg in July 2004 for several days and Frankfurt in 2010 for two days.

Denmark - several days in Grenaa in July 2009, one week of satsangas in Aarhus in August 2010 and four days in Copenhagen in August 2013.
